Learning & Development Consultants

Accentuating the positive…
Releasing the  potential

Judeline Nicholas Associates

We’re committed to assisting the growth and development of individuals, groups and organisations through the use of creative and innovative strategies that engage all parties. 

Our programmes involve all members of a group so that they can realise their full potential. Contributing their piece to a bigger picture on both a professional and personal level.

Not sure what support you need? We’re here to help Call us on 07721 004424 or Contact us via email

Our Services


Policy development


Employment tribunals

Successful recruitment

Training Delivery

Personal improvement 

HR skills

Conflict resolution

Leadership management


1 to 1 Support


Coaching and mentoring

Employment tribunals

Telephone/Video mentoring

Face to Face mentoring


Francesca Chapaneri

Learning and Development, Wokingham Borough Council

“Judeline is a highly skilled and experienced Learning & Development professional. Her training delivery style is engaging and thought provoking, and her events are enriched by her extensive knowledge and passion for her subject matters. 

I would highly recommend Judeline and hope I have the opportunity to work with her again in the near future”.

Kristina Lukaviciute

HR Manager

“Judeline has delivered effective training sessions that were fully customised to meet the needs of our organisation. She was flexible and adjusted the training programme throughout the day to specifically tackle the issues that were brought up by the participants. She was able to offer valuable examples and suggestions from her extensive experience and successfully facilitate the session which was stimulating, encouraging and fun.”

Emma Isaac

Legal Training Manager

“The “All Manner of People” sessions run by Judeline Nicholas Associates are always of the highest quality and tailored to suit the particular audience. What can sometimes be tricky or challenging subject areas for some delegates are always handled with the utmost sensitivity and care, without patronising or curtailing discussion. Delegate feedback after these sessions has always been really positive, leaving the audience wanting more and being keen to delve further into the concepts raised. 

For a subject area which can be seen as ‘box ticking’, J N Associates always manages to capture the minds and thoughts and open up people’s opinions and focus and dispels this box ticking myth. This is why the Magistrates’ Courts in London have such a long history with J N Associates and use them time after time”

Alison Ryan

Acting Training Manager – ATL

“As a Training Manager, my primary concern is that the trainers deliver training of high quality that meets the needs of my Association’s members. Judeline Nicholas has not only answered that concern but her training always exceeds expectations. Her approach combines professionalism and empathy, knowledge and warmth. 

She facilitates the learning by establishing strong rapport with the learners, linking course objectives with personal/professional needs and by leading the group, when appropriate. Her courses always reflect her own passion for learning, a passion which enthuses her learners, combining excellent listening skills with a huge store of knowledge on her chosen subjects. 

Lastly, but equally importantly, she approaches her training with humour and a genuine warmth for the people with whom she works, both as learners and clients.”

Our Team

Judeline Nicholas


Judeline is passionate about Learning and Development and creating the best opportunities for organisations and individuals. Her key specialism is in Diversity Matters, supporting clients with policy and practice reviews through to the design and delivery of programmes.  She also presents programmes on Effective Recruitment, Performance Management, Conflict Resolution, Working Well as a Team and Stress Management.

She leads and co-ordinates a network of Associates who are experts in their respective fields (lawyers, magistrates, social workers, counsellors, HR specialists) on training and consultancy projects in the UK and USA.

Judeline is also an Employment Tribunal Member, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development and a Fellow of the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning.

Valerie Brown-Beckford


Valerie has over 18 years’ experience as a Lecturer, HRD Specialist and as Mentor. Valerie has worked for numerous organisations including the education, private and public sectors, her specialist areas are personal development for staff and first tier management development to groups and 121.

As well as being a member of several professional bodies, Valerie takes a keen interest in research and development around human resource development and issues that impact on learning and development. Consequently, she is pursuing an MSc in HRD & Performance Management with the University of Leicester Centre for Labour Market Research.

Her aim is to use her skills and knowledge to encourage and motivate individuals to become the best they can be, by unlocking skills they already possess.

She also believes the key to success of any learning event depends on using a systematic approach to deliver effective instruction with high impact for both individuals and organisation.

Martin Oakeshott


Martin is an experienced manager, team leader and trainer. He has worked as a teacher in the public and private sectors and as a manager and trainer in adult and further education. He’s qualified as a teacher, counsellor and assessor. He has also had experience as a trustee and manager in the voluntary sector, in organisations delivering educational and international development programmes.

Martin’s Key areas of expertise:

Supporting managers to develop strategic vision, identify priorities and implement practical management approaches.

Mentoring for team leaders: developing the skills and qualities that a trusted team leader requires to support and challenge staff to achieve shared goals.

Communications and marketing expertise: website planning and organisation, writing and editing publicity, policies, funding bids and award applications.

Developing employability skills and programmes, educational guidance and careers coaching.

Enabling managers to develop diversity and inclusion in their teams while meeting targets and outputs.

Call us on

07721 004424​

Not sure what support you need?
We’re here to help

Email Judeline